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Writer's pictureGyneth Turner

Changing Course

Updated: Jan 20, 2020

How lucky I am to have something that makes saying good-bye so hard.
-Winnie the Pooh

That lil itchy-ness that pesters you, that whispering that asks you to take stock - and then you know, it's time to go.


In October of this year I left my role as the Coordinator of Respite Services at The Cridge Centre for the Family. It was a tough to decision to move on into the great unknown, especially since my seven years at The Cridge was fantastic! But I knew that if I was honest with myself it was time to leave my "Comfy Chair" and seek a new challenge.

The biggest challenge I had to overcome when I faced this realization was that I was not sure where I was going to go. Walt Disney said "Curiosity keeps leading us down new paths," and I am nothing, if not curious, so I let my curiosity be my guide and I am happy to say my curiosity did not let me down.

I have discovered a path that has made me feel excited, energized, hopeful and nervous. So channelling my inner Cheryl Strayed I am going to take her advice and follow the path that has been revealed - down the rabbit hole I go!

When I (inevitably) freak my self out and consider burning down the mental real estate allocated to the peace I need to sleep at night, I sternly remind myself to blow out the match, that there is no way to know what lies ahead, failure is always a possibility, but to risk nothing is to gain nothing. As The Great One taught us, "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take". Now, if you will excuse me, I have to skate over to where the puck is going to be.

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